“Cyberwarfare” (#NotARealThing)¶

Background information¶
WARFARE IN THE 21ST CENTURY: A Selected Bibliography, compiled by Jane E. Gibish, U.S. Army War College Library, July 2003
Bibliography of Information Warfare and Infrastructure Vulnerability Documents
Deconstructing Information Warfare, K. A. Taipale, Presentation to the Committee on Policy Consequences and Legal/Ethical Implications of Offensive Information Warfare of The National Academies, Wash., DC, Oct. 30, 2006
Cyber Conflict Bibliography, by Lori Fossum, The George Washington University Law School, October, 2013
Abuse/misuse of the term “cyberwar” (why “cyberwar” isn’t a thing)¶
There Is No Cyberwar, by Howard Schmidt, Slashdot, October 3, 2005
Former NSA Director Calls for Clear Understanding of Cyber-war, by Brian Prince, eWeek, July 29, 2010
Cyberwar: There’s no such thing, by Tom, November 10, 2013
Intelligence, information, and other cybery thoughts, by Samuel Liles, October 7, 2013.
Wikileaks (and claims of “Cyberwarfare” against it)¶
WikiLeaks battle: a new amateur face of cyber war?, by Peter Apps, Reuters, December 10, 2010
How pro-WikiLeaks hackers wage cyberwar without hijacking your computer, by Mark Clayton, The Christian Science Monitor, December 9, 2010
“Anonymous”: How dangerous is hacker network defending WikiLeaks?, by Mark Clayton, The Christian Science Monitor, December 9, 2010
Hackers wage global “cyberwar” in defense of WikiLeaks, by Stephen Kurczy, The Christian Science Monitor, December 9, 2010
“Cyberwarfare” against Estonia?¶
Cyberwar is breaking out of sci-fi genre, Pavla Kozkov, Czech Business Weekly, June 11, 2007
After Computer Siege in Estonia, War Fears Turn to Cyberspace, by Mark Landler and John Markoff, The New York Times, May 29, 2007
When cyberattacks are politically motivated, by Robert Vamosi, Special to CNET News.com, May 29, 2007 [Interview with Jose Nazario of Arbor Networks]
Estonia and Russia: A cyber-riot, The Economist, May 10, 2007
Cyber Assaults on Estonia Typify a New Battle Tactic, by Peter Finn, Washington Post Foreign Service, May 19, 2007
Estonia urges firm EU, NATO response to new form of warfare: cyber-attacks, Sydney Morning Herald, May 16, 2007
“Cyberterrorism” (?!)¶
CyberCrime, CyberTerror, CyberEspionage, and CyberWar and Cyberterror (parts I and II of a series), Tenable Security
Putting cyberterrorism into context, by Kathryn Kerr, AusCERT, October 24, 2003
CYBERTERRORISM - Fact or Fancy?, by Mark M. Pollitt, FBI Laboratory
The Truth about Cyberterrorism, by Scott Berinato, CIO Magazine, March 15, 2002
E-Terrorism: Assessing the infrastructure risk, by Robert Lemos, CNET News.com, August 26, 2002
DCSINT Handbook No. 1.02: Cyber Operations and Cyberterrorism, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, August 15, 2005
Electronic “Jihad”?¶
Electronic Jihad, ThreatBlog, ESET.com, July 9, 2007
‘Electronic Jihad’ App Offers Cyberterrorism For The Masses, by Larry Greenemeier, InformationWeek, July 2, 2007
Get Ready for the Next Wave of E-Jihad, littlegreenfootballs.com, July 3, 2007
- This application is similar in some ways to what was done by the “electrohippies” in protests against the WTO meetings in the Seattle (1999) and Doha (2001), and the ill-fated “Make Love Not Spam” campaign by Lycos Europe (2004).
Client-side Distributed Denial-of-Service: Valid campaign tactic or terrorist act?, electrohippies Occasional Paper No.1, February, 2000
WTO Protests Portend Grave New World - World Trade Organization
Global: Virtual Protests -fyi, December 30, 2001
p2pnet.net News:- Lycos Europe is now has a screen saver with a difference. Insight on the News , by Arnaud De Borchgrave, Jan 10, 2000
Hackers nobble Lycos anti-spam plan, by John Oates, The Register, December 1, 2004
Lycos Europe denies attack on zombie army, by Dan Ilett, ZDNet News (UK), December 1, 2004
Lycos Anti-Spam Site Compromised [Updated], Slashdot discussion, posted December 1, 2004
Antispam screensaver downs two sites in China, by Dan Ilett, ZDNet News (UK), December 2, 2004
Lycos Europe’s antispam tool no longer available, by Graeme Wearden, ZDNet News (UK), December 3, 2004
Lycos Fights Spam With DDOS, posted by eejit, Kuro5hin.org, December 3, 2004
Antispam campaign bites the dust, by Dan Ilett and Graeme Wearden, ZDNet News (UK), December 6, 2004
Lycos, Spammers & Electronic Civil Disobedience, Internet Censorship Explorer
Media Stories¶
John Arquilla: Go on the Cyberoffensive, by Noah Shachtman, Wired Magazine 17.10, September 21, 2009
Cyber-Scare - The exaggerated fears over digital warfare, by Evgeny Morozov, Boston Review, July/August 2009
Wanted: Cyber Warriors and Media Sanitizers, by Kim Zetter, Wired Online, July, 2009
Citing Privacy Concerns, Senate Seeks Legal Justifications for Govt. Cybersecurity Plan, by Kim Zetter, Wired Online, July 2009
U.S. takes aim at cyberwarfare, by Shaun Waterman, The Washington Times, July 2, 2009
Cyber Command: Observers worry about unintended consequences, by John S. Monroe, FCW.com, June 25, 2009
Gates Creates Cyber-Defense Command, by Ellen Nakashima, Washington Post Staff Writer, June 24, 2009
Activists Launch Hack Attacks on Tehran Regime, by Noah Shachtman, Wired.com, June 15, 2009
Electronic Spy Network Focused on Dalai Lama and Embassy Computers, by Kim Zetter, Wired blog, March 28, 2009
Air Force planning to train hundreds yearly in cyber warfare skills, by Trish Choate, January 15, 2009
Hundreds of Israeli Websites Hacked in ‘Propaganda War’, by Kelly Jackson Higgins, DarkReading, December 31, 2008
DARPA Unveils Cyber Warfare Range, by D. A. Fulghum, AviationWeek.com, December 31, 2008
Commission to fund research on China’s cyberwarfare capabilities, by Ben Bain, FCW.com, December 29, 2008
Cyberstrategy Takes Shape, by Henry S. Kenyon, SIGNAL Magazine, December 2008
Information Operations Multiply With the Value of Information, by the editor, SIGNAL magazine, November 17, 2008
Cyber-warfare comes to Mauritania: Online media have been slow to take off in Mauritania, but already several websites critical to the regime are coming under attack from hackers, which they say are linked to the military junta by Mohammed Salem, MENASSAT, November 12, 2008
Cyber attacks on McCain and Obama teams ‘came from China’, by Demetri Sevastopulo, Financial Times online (FT.com), November 7, 2008
Hackers and Spending Sprees (story about both McCain and Obama campaigns having their computer systems compromised months before the November 2008 Presidential election), Newsweek, November 5, 2008
Air Force Aims to ‘Rewrite Laws of Cyberspace’, by Noah Shachtman, Wired, November 3, 2008
Reserve wants soldiers to protect networks, by Michelle Tan, Army Times, May 30, 2008
Carpet bombing in cyberspace: Why America needs a military botnet, By Col. Charles W. Williamson III, Armed Forces Journal, May 5, 2008
Chertoff Describes ‘Manhattan Project’ for Cyber-defenses, by Ryan Naraine, eWEEK.com, April 8, 2008
US reveals plans to hit back at cyber threats, by Tom Espiner, ZDNet.co.uk, April 2, 2008
Estonia to drill NATO’s future cyber-war defenders, AFP, April 2, 2008
Tibet - the cyber wars, by Rory Cellan-Jones, dot.life BBC News, March 24, 2008
The Evolution of Cyber Warfare, by Greg Bruno, Council on Foreign Relations, February 27, 2008
Cyber-espionage moves into B2B, by Matt Hines, InfoWorld.com, January 15, 2008
The Dogs of Web War, by Rebecca Grant, Air Force Magazine online, January 2008, Vol. 91, No. 1
How to Wage Cyber War, by Noah Shachtman, Wired.com, December 12, 2007
THE US DoD AND CYBERWARFARE?, blog post by John Robb, Global Guerrillas web site, December 12, 2007
Air Force pushes cyber warrior training, by Peter Buxbaum, FCW.com, December 6, 2007
Defense board sounds louder alarm about foreign software development, by Bob Brewin, Govexec.com, November 30, 2007
Nonfiction cyberwar: Military leaders come to grips with cyberwar beyond the pages of science fiction novels, by Brian Robinson, Federal Computer Week, November 26, 2007
Cyber Warriors, by Neil Munro, National Journal, October 29, 2007
The new war machine, by William Jackson, GCN Home, September 24, 07
China accused of cyberattacks on New Zealand, by Liam Tung, Special to CNET News.com, September 13, 2007
Chinese Official Accuses Nations of Hacking, by Edward Cody, Washington Post Foreign Service, September 13, 2007
French reveal China hacks, by Correspondents in Paris, Australian IT News, September 10, 2007
Hacking reports raise concerns about cyberthreat from China, by David Lague, International Herald Tribune, September 6, 2007
Titan Rain - how Chinese hackers targeted Whitehall, by Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian, September 5 2007
China rejects U.S. charge it hacked Pentagon, Reuters, September 4, 2007
Chinese military hacked into Pentagon, by Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington and Richard McGregor in Beijing, Financial Times, September 3, 2007
Chinese see military dependence on computers as weakness, by David Lague, International Herald Tribune, August 29, 2007
California Farm Country Wants to Be Cyber War Central, by Kevin Poulsen, Wired News blog site, August 29, 2007
Cartwright: Warfighters need to share information regardless of rank, by Josh Rogin, Federal Computer Week, August 22, 2006
Planners hang hopes on Barksdale’s cyber future, by John Andrew Prime, The Shreveport Times, June 10, 2007
China Crafts Cyberweapons, by Sumner Lemon, IDG News Service, May 28, 2007
Army considering adding cyberspace to tactical domains, by Peter Buxbaum, Federal Computer Week magazine, April 5, 2007
STRATCOM wants to take cyberwar to enemy, United Press International, March 21, 2007
Chinese hackers seek U.S. access, by Jon Swartz, USA TODAY, March 11, 2007
Air Force Explores the Next Frontier, by Peter A. Buxbaum, special to GCN, February 19, 2007
Cyber officials: Chinese hackers attack ‘anything and everything’, by Josh Rogin, Federal Computer Week magazine, February 13, 2007
Cartwright: Cyber warfare strategy “dysfunctional”, by Josh Rogin, Federal Computer Week, February 9, 2007
Cyberwar: A threat to business, by Gideon T. Rasmussen, TechTarget.com, February 6, 2007
RSA - US cyber counterattack: Bomb one way or the other, by Ellen Messmer, TechWorld Netherlands, February 9, 2007
China a major cyberthreat, commission warns, by Josh Rogin, Federal Computer Week magazine, December 1, 2006
Foreign intelligence agents hacking UK businesses, government warns, by Bill Goodwin, Computer Weekly, November 21, 2006
Chinese army holds “Vanguard-206B” drill in E. China, by Nie Peng, Xinhua News Agency, November 19, 2006
Air Force leaders hold Cyber Summit, by Josh Rogin, Federal Computer Week magazine, November 17, 2006
Air Force to create Cyber Command, by Josh Rogin, Federal Computer Week, November 2, 2006
Ask the writers | DOD Special Report: Red Storm Rising, GCN.com, September 6, 2006
Red storm rising: DOD’s efforts to stave off nation-state cyberattacks begin with China, by Dawn Onley and Patience Wait, GCN.com, August 21, 2006
DOD: China fielding cyberattack units, by Josh Rogin, May 25, 2006
Cyberwar, PBS Frontline documentary, April, 2003
New Weapons of Information Warfare, opinion by Paul Strassman, Computerworld, December 1, 2003
Why the Dogs of Cyberwar Stay Leashed: The United States could try out its much-hyped “cyberwarfare” capabilities in Iraq… but it would probably be illegal, by Mark Rasch, SecurityFocus, March 24, 2003
DoD preps guidance, by Dan Caterinicchia, January 27, 2003
Computer Offensive: While the new cyberspace security strategy focuses on defending crucial information networks, some U.S. officials are studying the possibility of launching cyberattacks against other countries, by Mickey McCarter, Military Information Technology, November 15, 2002
Unleashing the dogs of cyber-war on Iraq!, by Brian McWilliams, Salon.com, March 6, 2003
The Myth of Cyberterrorism: There are many ways terrorists can kill you – the Internet is not one of them, by Joshua Green, Washington Monthly, November 2002
The First Networked War, Ground Zero, Issue 11
Should U.S. pledge not to make first cyberstrike?, by Stephen M. Ryan, GCN, August 3, 1998 (see also a Letter’s to the Editor response from Frank J. Stech)
DOD preps office for cyberdefense, by Daniel Verton, Federal Computer Week, July 13, 1998
Cyberthreat: Protecting U.S. Information Networks, USIA Electronic Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 1998
Information Warfare: The Unethical Use of Cyberspace, by Eric Halden
Center for Security Policy Information Warfare (featured articles and reports)
CRYPT NEWSLETTER 46, edited by George Smith, January 1998 (Story of Rome Labs intrusions by Datastream Cowboy and Kuji into Korean Atomic Research Institute)
Testimony, Reports to Congress/Executive¶
Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th Presidency, December 8, 2008
Computer Attack and Cyber Terrorism: Vulnerabilities and Policy Issues for Congress, October 17, 2003
Statement for the Record before the Joint Economic Committee on Cyber Threats and the U.S. Economy by John A. Serabian, Jr., Information Operations Issue Manager, Central Intelligence Agency, February 23, 2000
Statement by Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on The Worldwide Threat in 2000: Global Realities of Our National Security, February 2, 2000
‘Cyberwarfare’, by Steven A. Hildreth, Specialist in National Defense, Foreign Affairs, Defense, & Trade Division, CRS Report for Congress, June 19, 2001
CYBER ATTACK: IS THE GOVERNMENT SAFE?, Testimony from hearing before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, March 2, 2000
Tesimony of Mario Balakgie, Chief Information Assurance Officer, DIA, before the Subcomittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology, July 26, 2000
International issues¶
Countering cyber war, by Tim Shimmeal, CERT/CC, NATO Review
Doctrine of the Information Security of the Russian Federation
The Challenge of Information Warfare (Chinese views on Information Warfare)
State Responsibility for the Acts of Private Armed Groups, Derek Jinks, University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 4 No. 1
Legal Issues¶
Law of Cyber-Space, by Ahmad Khamal, UN report published by the Council on Foreign Relations, October 2005
NOTES AND COMMENTS: A Helpless America? An Examination of the Legal Options Available to the United States in Response to Varying Types of Cyber-Attacks from China, by Daniel M. Creekman, 17 Am. U. Int’l L. Rev. 641 (2002)
ARTICLE: Responding to Attacks on Critical Infrastructure: What Targets? What Rules of Engagement?, by Colonel James P. Terry, 46 Naval L. Rev. 170 (1999)
Techniques for Cyber Attack Attribution, by David A. Wheeler, Institute for Defense Analyses, October 2003
Legal and Practical Constraints on Information Warfare, by Maj Karl Kuschner, Air and Space Power Chronicles
The Law of Armed Conflict, Naval War College
The Military Commander and the Law: Legal Aspects of Information Operations
Overcoming Post-Colonial Myopia: A Call to Recognize and Regulate Private Military Companies,” Major Todd. S Milliard, Military Law Review, June 2003 (176 Mil. L. Rev. 1)
- Gen. Orde Wingate and the ‘Long Lines’ strategy of stealthy hands-on sabotage inside enemy territory (thanks to @daviottenheimer)
The Naked General, by Annette Kobak, NY Times (review of ‘FIRE IN THE NIGHT: Wingate of Burma, Ethiopia, and Zion.’, by John Bierman and Colin Smith.)
First chapter of Fire in the Night: Wingate of Burma, Ethiopia, and Zion
Cyber Warfare: Army Creates ‘Twitter Troops’, CapitalFM
Thinking about cyber conflict and the role of metaphors in strategy and tactics, by Samuel Liles, December 15, 2011
Strategic blindness: When aliens attack, by Samuel Liles, March 22, 2012
- The Boyd Cycle/OODA Loop
The Strategy of a Fighter Pilot, by Keith H. Hammonds, Fastcompany.com, Issue 59, May 2002
Toward an Ontology of Integrated Intelligence & Conflict: A Primer, by Michael Wilson, Decision Support Systems, Inc., April 2001
AF2025 v3c2-2 | Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability | (Ch 2) [HTML]
Information Operations: A New War-fighting Capability by William Osborne et al., 2025 White Papers: Power and Influence, vol. 3, bk. 1, 49. [PDF]
The Essential Boyd, by Grant T. Hammond
nCircle blog post on the Blackhat 2006 OODA Loop “Meet the Fed” panel, August 15, 2006
- HITB (Hack-In-The-Box) Malaysia 2008 Keynote Address: Cyberwar is Bullshit, by Marcus Ranum, Tenable Security, October 29, 2008 See also:
Offensive Operations in Cyberspace, White Wolf Security
Cyber Defense: Art to Science, O. Sami Saydjari, CyberDefenseAgency.com
Information Assurance – the Achilles’ Heel of Joint Vision 2010?, Armed Forces Staff College
Semantic Hacking, Dartmouth ISTS
AFDD 2-5, Information Operations, 4 January 2002
Institute for the Advanced Study of Information Warfare (IASIW)
National Critical Infrastructure Protection: A Case for Action, President’s Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
The Coming Counterrevolution in Military Affairs, by Geoffrey S. French, Veridian
Information Operations, Deterrence, and the Use of Force, by Roger W. Barnett, Naval War College, 1998
GAO-AIMD-96-84 INFORMATION SECURITY: Computer Attacks at Department of Defense Pose Increasing Risk
GAO-T-AIMD-96-92 INFORMATION SECURITY: Computer Attacks at Department of Defense Pose Increasing Risk (Testimony before US Senate)
Strategic Knowledgecraft: Operational Art for the Twenty-First Century, by Roc A. Myers, September 2000
Words of Estimative Probability, Wikipedia